"Weekend book review program -CHANGE YOUR WORLD ðð ð"
Hello there,
It weekend already and a wonderful time to be with you again.
Today we shall be looking at chapter three (3) of the book CHANGE YOUR WORLD with heading
As the popular saying goes, "No man is an Island ð️"
Therefore we all need one another. Mother Theresa rightly put it " I can do what you cannot , you can do what I cannot, Together we can do great things "
In essence , "NONE OF US " is greater than "ALL OF US"
To achieve great accomplishment in life as a group , as a network , we all need one another. Let us consider this analogy.
If we have 10 persons working together as a group and the idea is for this 10 persons to reach out to atleast 2 persons. If out of the 10 persons, only about six decided and actually reach out to two persons , while the other four did not, the goal of reaching 20 persons will not be achieve.
Same thing happens with Organization, Marketing companies, churches, schools. Every group needs people and resources to help them actualize their goal.
Even as a Network, Noble Leaders would have not reached out to some persons if one or two persons did not actively participate and share program during our awareness , 2017.
As a member of Noble Leadership network, you are expected to reach out to persons , be means of enlightenment of what you learn. That is how to transfer this energy to people who are not here and invite people who may want to join.
If you find yourself in any group (Physically, Online ) maybe a Church, Mosque, School group, company, firm, an NGO like Noble Leaders initiative Network, a music hub, a work group...make sure to find ways you can help the group you belong grow and do not take the attitude that you are the only ONE that can do that, because YOU may be great, but we all need one another to make things easy.
Always put in effort to support where you belong. I will use a living church as a sample for my analogy.
If you belong to a church and you are a guitarist. Right ð, what do you do to make your church grow ? You use your skill to help your church. If you are a singer or song writer ✍️ , you make sure to sing during worship sessions, same thing goes with those who are skilled in one way or the other, digitally , or say any other, you must know when to use your skill to help the organization where you belong. Sometimes people are rewarded , most times people volunteer because they want to learn and grow ðŠī
Volunteering: This may be outside of the context for today, but I want to share with US a secret. If you are yet to start VOLUNTEERING for Organizations, Networks, groups and the et cetera , please start TODAY.
The gain of volunteers is so much that you cannot sum it up. Most people have been connected because of Volunteering. I remember when I volunteered for an international organization on research and survey of a particular research. I took it upon myself in the Facebook group then, been a couple of years now, when a question was thrown open to the group - "We need five persons in the group who will volunteer to help us with this survey ? "
I thought ðĪ about it for a moment, then I said like me just do this to help the group or rather the one who's researching. I did not know I was helping myself. It's a research about "Happinesses"
When I completed the research through the survey manual, kinda lengthy and submitted my answers to the author of the handbook, I felt I gained more , I never losed anything. I became more analytical, it gave me a sharp edge and a desire to research more on a more personal note on "HAPPINESS" and while the world has so much, and yet some persons are not happy.
Today I can boldy tell you , I'm a happy person. So you see that the research helped me to develop ways to keep myself happy and updated on happiness keys. I could have been on a spot if I did not get involved. So GET INVOLVED.
Get Involved, The world needs you.
Note these points.
ð WE is more important than ME
ð What you have is more important than what you lack
ð Collaboration is more important than co-operation
ð What UNITES us is greater than what DIVIDE us.
In other to help ourselves, we must align with the following
1️⃣ We must have and align ourselves with a common agenda - To make our world a better place to be and take note of all the ways to achieve that.
2️⃣ We must have a shared measurement system- we must employ a system that works and one way is thought the media and through examplary leadership. Servant Leadership with a transformational,yet strategic mindset knowing the purpose of our Leadership style-Read about Levels of Leadership (ref: HBR guide on LEADERSHIP- What makes an effective Executive )
3️⃣ We must be aligned with contributing in activities
4️⃣ Continuous Communication. We must be conversant with communicating with one another.
5️⃣ We must align our mindset to work as a "Team" - as team work is the only way to achieve a great result. Remember mother Theresa anytime you hear of team work.
6️⃣ We must GIVE IT OUR ALL-If you really want growth ð as an individual, you must be willing to learn. Learning may be stressful, but it has a pile of reward waiting for the person who Ventures. So constantly update yourself.
If you want to do a REVIEW of the next chapter for us as a volunteer. please send your reviews before weekend ( Saturday). Your signature will be aligned with it. This is an opportunity for you to advance your writing skills, and also your analytic skills.
I was once a book reviewer for three books clubs back then as of 2017, 18, & 19 where I reviewed books for three clubs of which one was an Amazon book club (still a member though )
Blessings to you all of us as we learn to Collaborate and help ourselves to grow and advance.
Joachim DURU,
For NLiN.
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