Leadership - People, passion

Welcome back ! 🤍🍿 we shall be exploring yet another aspect of Leadership and which is an integral part to achieving and fulfilling  purpose

PASSION -  Passion is a true desire for something , more like a strong and powerful emotion for something 

Passion is what makes us do what we do and solely because it's in alignment with our identity or we have developed interest 

You are in love with that activity subconsciously and  consciously because of passion 

Understanding PASSION and how it affects our lives helps us to be MORE and to easily fulfil purpose

Passion is not inbuilt even though we do some things subconsciously but it is also true that we can develop passion for activities that we are not familiar with for example  we can develop passion for sports, academic work, cooking, singing, acting and so on 

Sit down quietly and take out just 15 minutes to think about what you are passionate about -  what you love doing and why ? 

Ask yourself these questions 

- What is my passion ?

- Why do i have passion for it ?

- How do i improve my passion

- How do i use my passion to improve the world ?

When you answer these questions, your journey to understanding passion has begun 



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