Leadership- CHANGE



Happy Saturday!


Weekend book review program.

Book title : Change your world 🌍🌎 by John C Maxwell and Rob Hoskins.

Hello there, 

Good to have you and welcome to this week's book review program. 

Today we shall be looking at Chapter 1 of book- "Change your world "

I hope the nuggets from this book helps us understand the 

reason why we need to CHANGE OUR WORLD for good. Follow through so you can gain the benefits. 


For us to better understand what needs to be changed , we  must understand what "Change " really is.

Change:  change simply means , to become something different. To alter, to modify, to make another.

In our current world, we need many things to change for the good. We need better schools, we need better hospitals, better neighborhoods, better Government, better living and the et cetera.

Often times we wait on the Government, our media, healthcare, arts and entertainment industry, religious institutions, education, business to do something to incite the change we need.

"If we don't change direction, we are likely to end up the direction we are headed "- L Ao T Zu

Important things we must consider to bring a out the positive change we desire


If you think , you can change the world , then you can. If you think you cannot change the world , then your assumptions are putting you in a box - John Maxwell.

So always posses the right thinking , that you can bring about the POSITIVE CHANGE the world is looking up to.

2- HARNESS your hope, after you change your Thinking.

How optimistic are you ? Do you always expect bad things to happen ? Are you a pessimist ? Who always expect bad things. If you are, then you should realign your pattern of thinking to being Optimistic. Optimism not only makes you lively but is an attribute to develop HOPE , a bigger and brighter version of itself.

" most people would agree that optimism is greater than pessimism, but it's fantastic that HOPE is greater than optimism " -John C Maxwell.

Therefore, have HOPE in yourself, develop that mindset that things will always get better, incite it by making good efforts. 

There are factors that cause people to CHANGE.

πŸ‘‰ People change when they are hurt enough, that they have to

πŸ‘‰ People change when they see enough that they have to

πŸ‘‰ People change when they learn alot that they want to

πŸ‘‰ People change when they received enough that they Able to


The changes you makes within yourself, gives you confidence and credibility to give hope to others.

You cannot be negative and transfer positive energy. You must first be positive to transfer Hope.


We must develop  hope that the future will be better. Believe in Tomorrow while you work today. That's the spirit of Hope.

HOW TO DEVELOP HOPE and optimism

1️⃣ Urgency starts within.

If you don't see reason why you must CHANGE and why your world needs to change. Change will not come. So you must see transformational CHANGE as an urgent need and make it a priority in your list.

2️⃣ Urgency fees desire.

If something is very urgent , the desire to do it is incited. If you don't see reason to advance, advancement will not come your way.

3️⃣ URGENCY inspires COURAGE.

Look at most courageous persons, you will understand that there's an urgent need to act and hence the COURAGEOUS act. If for instance you find yourself in a terrible situation and you have just one option to escape, let's say a fire outburst and chances are that if you take a particular route you will survive but may have little injury, you rather take that route and get an injury than stay right on the spot and die. It may now be termed COURAGEOUS act  by fellows who observe scene of display because you actually did that. They be like Wow 😲. 

Courage is borne of urgents and a desire for change.

4️⃣ Urgency calls for ACTION.

Ever seen a pregnant woman who is at the verge of delivery ? You know what ? It's a matter of life and death. Action must be taken immediately, to attend to her and for safety.

Urgency breeds action.

John C Maxwell and Robin Hoskins right put it.

"It doesn't matter how OLD you are. It doesn't matter what you have , or haven't done yet. It's never too late to do something to CHANGE YOUR WORLD "


Realign your path , if you are on the wrong side. Make every wrong , Right.

" We can make excuses or we can make CHANGES, but we can't do both " -John Maxwell and Rob Hoskin.

Make the right TURN

As the Geologist would always identify true North to know their POSITION and direction on Earth. Always identify the RIGHT turn to move.

Imagine yourself as a vehicle πŸšœπŸš‘ that needs to get on a destination A and you need to follow path A on a junction A, B, C D, suddenly you go B. You will move towards the results of B but you may need to go back and position yourself towards the route that leads to your destination.

Just like vehicles πŸš— have route on Earth (road networks), train πŸšƒ have route too ( railways), ships , boats  🚒  have route they follow on the sea ⛵ , same way airplaneπŸ›« have route they follow and each has the propeller and destination.

Identifying the right direction is more like IDENTIFYING your PURPOSE. Your purpose is your destination.

If you have any questions or contribution send in. Q & A session  will be observed.

Cheers πŸ₯‚ and once again.

Happy weekend.

From all of us @ Noble Leader's initiative Network.





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