LEADERSHIP -Mastering the art of Self-confidence
Vince Lombardi said and i quote "The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence , no matter what their chosen field "
In essence, happiness meets us when we are committed to excellence over anything we do for ourselves and others.
Being competent in yourself requires high self-esteem. Self-esteem is the reputation of one's own self. Dr Nathaniel Brandon rightly put it as the " your reputation with yourself"
How much you love yourself matters, because it builds your self-esteem and in turn confidence in yourself.
Without self-efficacy you cannot be fully confident. Self -efficacy is a measure of your efficiency and competency over completing a task or achieving a particular goal. It is how much trust you have in your abilities to do something or achieve something.
It is important we have trust in our ability as it helps strengthen our confidence and help in personal mastery of ourselves, and even to better understand our world.
The question is ? Can self-confidence be built or is it inbuilt?
The truth is that self-confidence is not inbuilt even though one's origin can affect their level of confidence but to make it clear , self-confidence can be built.
In building your own self confidence, you must take note of yourself carefully note your high and low moments, and what really makes you dwell at both edge. By doing that, you will know and stabilize at the trait in your that keeps you at high performance.
To become confident in yourself, you need to be courageous. You need to summon courage to chase that dream, to start that business, to do that thing you really wanted to do without fear. Fear is your enemy, kill it! Seen anyone who has done something great in life, it's courage and confidence that they can do it. If we don't believe in ourselves, no one else's will. So summon enough courage in yourself and believe you can do it. Start doing , that's the first courageous step. Kill procrastination, it is an enemy of progress.
To achieve competence and self-mastery , adhere to the following ππ
πͺ Commit yourself to excellence.
πͺ Note that Excellence is learnable as know one is born with excellence, it is developed.
πͺ Take note of the law of accumulation which says "Every great Life or great career is an accumulation of hundreds, perhaps thousands of efforts that nobody ever sees or appreciates "
πͺ Take note of the law of incremental improvement which states that " A person becomes good at his or her chosen field by improving incrementally, continously, over a long period of time "
πͺ Take note of integrative complexity, which is the ability to recognize patterns in a situation and to accurately predict what is likely to happen and the best action to take , based on previous experiences with similar situations.
πͺ Identify yourself skillset, remember Theodore Roosevelt and his sayings, " Do what you can, with what you have, where you are " It doesn't matter where you are starting from, practice the law of Incremental improvement.
πͺIdentify your Key skill and deliberately practice it as though that is all that matters to you.
πͺ Take note that all skills are learnable. So learn as much as you can to serve your need.
It is not enough to learn a skill, but while you have learnt and mastered your skill , it is very necessary you monetize. This is the rewards of diligence. Your earning power is the ability for you to earn money by applying your knowledge and skill . Your EARNING ABILITY is your ability to get results that someone can pay for. As long as your earning ability increases, your earning token/rewards increase an this cannot happen if you have not mastered your skill, which is mastering your inert abilities.
©️ Noble leader's initiative Network.
Ref: The power of self-confidence by Brian Tracy.
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