LEADERSHIP -Mastering the art of Self-confidence
Mastering the art of self-confidence -
Capitalizing on your strength.
Booker T Washington famous quote "I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by position one has reached in life as by the obstacles he has overcome while trying to succeed "
Self confidence helps us to stay focused despite set backs. People with high self-confidence will likely not be affected by disappointments or setbacks because they know that those don't define them.
It is very important that we know our areas of expertise -areas of strength. Knowing our areas of strength helps us to define exactly the areas to invest our time and resources because that's the areas where we will get the highest performance and good.
One of the ways we can get the best performance from our effort is by noting the best field that is in alignment with our area of strength.
When we realized what makes us happy and then invest our strength in such areas , we will likely get our highest performance. So take note of the things that makes you happy and convert to valuable services, you will enjoy what you do and in return get great rewards -financial and fulfilment.
Developing courage is one of the easiest way to get things accomplished. Knowing your areas of strength and taking a bold step 🪜 to walk into the reality of it, by doing this you would see your highest performance, which can make you to set greater milestone over time.
Being honest with yourself about what you love to do. Some many of us don't do what we love to do and that's why we don't have any good results to show , but imagine doing something you really love to do, you would see higher performance. So let's try as much as we can to do what we love and convert to valuable services. In doing this , we will get a higher performance-This is for all Noble Leader's worldwide. Remember we are going on a journey to making our world better and better and to the optimum BEST.
We can compensate our weaknesses by converting to a strength resource. Note you are the definition of your reality. What you say would stand as long as you keep the right attitude and by channeling your weakness to strength.
STRETCHing beyond your comfort zone is one of the ways to get a high performance. We must learn to stretch ourselves beyond our highest performance limit, so this will help us become more aware of setting higher milestones.
Before we can channel our strength to more reliable areas, we must first accept our weaknesses. Accepting our weakness imply we acknowledge our area of weakness and willing to make a SHIFT to advance advantage of strength.
Weakness are good indicators that you have areas of strength because in finding our weaknesses, we are able to know and then employ strategies to silence the weakness and increase our area of strength.
By doing some of these , we are on the path of CAPITALIZING on our strength.
" We must first take note of our weaknesses, then employ strategies to convert to areas of strength"- Joachim Duru
©️Noble leader's initiative Network
Ref: The power of Self-confidence by Brian Tracy.
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