The word " Habit " according to Stephen R Covey is defined as the Intersection of knowledge, skill and desire.

Knowledge is the basic Know-how ( What to do and Why to ). Skill is the HOW TO DO whereas desire is the MOTIVATION  (the WANT TO )

To develop a Habit , it take conscious effort. For instance to develop the habit to READ - takes KNOWLEDGE (  What to read and WHY ) , then SKILL - HOW TO (You ask yourself, how do I get access to books I need ? How do I meet up my reading targets , how do I map out time in my busy schedules to read ...) and lastly the DESIRE - making a decision that you want to READ and nothing can stop you.



Being proactive simply mean TAKING responsibility over your own life. It is more than taking initiative according to Stephen R Covey.

Taking responsibility over your life is all about LEADING your life. Taking ownership of circumstances and managing situations in your own life. Remember no one will do that better for you than YOU.

Eleanor Roosevelt observation - " No one can hurt you without your consent" 

You feel hurt often because you gave people consent to hurt you. If we are taking full responsibility over our lives , it will be difficult to feel negative energies penetrate into our lives but our security chases negativity away because we have decided to be PROACTIVE and positive

Concept of Genetic determinism, psychic determinism and Environmental determinism explains the nature of humans 

GENETIC DETERMINISM - It's your DNA. This is how the French behave, oh that's the way of the English people,the Chinese act this way and so on. It is believe that certain traits come from grandparents.

PSYCHIC DETERMINISM -  This relates your personality to UPBRINGING by your parents/Guardians. Your childhood experiences and exposures structure your traits and character structure. For example, she/He scared to appear before a group ...

Oh, that's how she/he was brought up. She/he is so brave . Oh that's how she/he was brought up and so on.


It talks about the environment and how it can affect personality. Yes , your environment is capable of shaping you even without your knowledge. If your environment is not helping you GROW 🪴, change environment. Your environment is not just the physical place you dwell.

 "Your environment is  your association, those you share common ideas with "  - Joachim Duru.


Whenever we get Stimulus, it is our choice of HOW to respond 

-   Self-awareness, Imagination, Independent will,  Conscience will determine our RESPONSE which is  called the PROACTIVE MODEL 

It our duty to choose the best ways to respond to impulse. Being proactive helps to become more aware of better ways to respond and take charge.

Ref: The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R Covey 

Cheers 🥂🥂

Joachim Duru


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