" Put First things first "

This habit is more concerned with questions addressed in the field of Life and personal management.

Stephen R Covey noted and I quote "Organize and execute around priorities" 

" For efficiency, we must consider the most important things in our priority list " - Joachim 

In other to better manage ourselves, we must consider priorities. This bring us to the Four generations of Time management

💫 The first generation revolves on Notes and checklist. 

💫 The second generation revolves on calenders and appointment books.

💫 The third generation reflects the current time management field. It talks about Prioritization, clarity of values and a comparison of the worth and importance of activities based on values.

💫 The fourth generation talks about managing ourselves. " It is focused on preserving and enhancing relationships and on accomplishing results " - Stephen R Covey 

Principles of personal management - Gofer delegation and Stewardship delegation.

Gofer delegation says - " Go for this, go for that , do this , and tell me when it's done "

Gofer delegation requires one-on-one  supervision of methods. You do one thing, and then another by feedback from  the previous. 

Stewardship delegation -

Stewardship delegation is focused on Results, rather than methods. It gives people the choice to choose the method making them responsible for the results.

" Stewardship delegation involves clear, up-front mutual understanding and commitment regarding expectations in five areas " - Stephen R Covey

1 . Desired Results -

Create a clear , mutual understanding of what needs the be accomplished, focusing on what,not how ; results, not methods. Spend time. Be patient. Visualize the desired results.

2 . Guidelines - 

Identify the tools /parameters within which the individual should operate. Stating clearly what is needed to get job done.

3. Resources -

Identify the human, financial, technical, or organizational resources can rely on to achieve desired results.

4. Accountability -

Setting up standards if performance that will be used in evaluation of results and specific times when reporting progress.

5. Consequences -

Specification of  the good and bad aligned with the evaluation of results. It could be benefits such as rewards - Financial, psychic rewards, different job assignment and the consequences tied to the mission of organization/group. 

Ref: The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R Covey

Ref: Noble Leader's initiative Network 


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