Habit 2 - " Begin with the End in Mind "

"To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination " - Stephen R Covey

To begin with the end in mind is to know clearly what we are expecting in the end.

Leaders  must create a mental picture of what they want to actualize , then strategize how to get it. Just as a building needs a plan on paper before construction , same way we must have a picture of where we are going in mind.

"The unique human capacities of Self-awareness, imagination, and conscience enable us to examine first creations and make it possible for us to take charge of our own first creation, to write out own script " - Stephen R Covey 

Leaders must be aware of what their vision is, by creating a mental picture (imagination) of what their journey look like , afterwards develop a plan (strategy) to make it real.

Leadership and management (The two creations)

Leadership and management are not same. Warren Bennis said and I quote " Management is doing things  right , leadership is doing the right things " 

" Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; Leadership determines whether the ladder is leading against the right wall "  - Stephen R Covey 

" Write ✍️ things you want to achieve. Having a mental picture is not complete until you having put it down on paper 📜. A written idea is likely to be achieved than an imagined idea 💡" - Joachim Duru 

So take some time to write down your imaginations which can be in form of Idea, dreams, goals and the et cetera. Always write things down, do not underestimate the power of your pen 🖋️

Ref: The 7 habits of Highly effective people

Ref: Noble Leader's initiative Network 

Joachim Duru,

For NLiN 


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