Hi there 😍
Habit 6 - SYNERGY
Synergy in simple definition - " It means the whole is greater than the sum of its parts " - Stephen R Covey
Synergy encourage the win/win habit and the skill of Empathetic communication. The essence of Synergy is to value differences - to respect them , to build on strengths, to compensate for weaknesses " - Stephen R Covey noted.
Levels of communication
🤝 Synergetic (win/win)
🤝 Respectful (Compromise)
🤝 Defensive ( Win/lose or Lose/win )
The highest level of communication comes from synergy. Synergistic communication is very effective. Synergy encourage empathetic communication.
Respectful communication lead to compromise. " The communication isn't defensive or protective or angry or manipulative ; it is honest and genuine and respectful" - Stephen R Covey.
Defensive communication is the lowest level of communication which is usually accompanied by low-trust - defensiveness, protectiveness, and often Legalistic language. This kind of communication will only lead to Win/lose, Lose/win, or Lose/lose
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