LEADERSHIP - People, Purpose


LEADERSHIP- People , purpose 

When we realize there is a purpose why we are here and to each individual it is unique,   then we will stop wasting time on irrelevant things and pursue things that align with our purposes

Identity modelling by Self-study, Self-Mastery (Taking notes of strength and weaknesses, converting weaknesses to strength) as outlined in previous post

To live with purpose we must understand the key player - INTEREST 

INTEREST/WILLINGNESS : In today's world , a lot of people know their purpose but are unwilling to follow and pull it through. It is impossible to get to your peak without aligning with the purpose of your creation

No two human have the same purpose but all aim at one purpose of man's existence - To  Love  God and fellow Man ( Ref: Scripture guideline )


In a world where people choose to be anything, we can should to be kind as it cost little or nothing

Being Kind only makes our world better, A smile cost Dollar and with little effort but it doesn't just brightens the face but also heal the world by creating a more conducive atmosphere

Our world will get better when we all - Individually properly align with our purposes and make decisions to become the CHANGE we want to see 

If you are saddened by any situation around the globe , maybe the Government is not doing what they should - TAKE ACTION, maybe the citizens are not doing what is expected - TAKE ACTION. Make a decision today to correct things you feel and by fact should be corrected simple by employing the best strategy

 If you want to change the world, Change YOU - 

It's like a chain 

YOU > Mr A  to >> Mrs B >>> Miss C .... and the chain keeps going 

So you don't need to reach out to millions of persons at once  but just one person , by doing so you would in turn reach out to the population you aiming at

Remember the change you seek start with you. We are in this journey together, you are not alone 

Your friend,

Joachim DURU



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