LEADERSHIP-People, Purpose


Leadership -

Stay on track 

When you have identified what your purpose is all about, you must make steady effort to stay on track by capitalizing on your strength and as well convert your weaknesses to strength

Being on track makes it easy for you to accomplish your purpose because you are not distracted and no matter what , your eyes is fixed on the pathway you are meant to walk on 

It's not going to be easy but when you decide to stay on track then you will get the help you need at each point and it's happening because you decided and making good efforts to keep on track 

How do you keep on track ?

- Constantly engage in activities that boost your strength

- Disengage from all activities that trigger your weaknesses 

- Stay with the right network as it will help as a reminder of where you belong

- Be consistent in making good efforts and not neglect HARDWORK because even though you know your purpose, you will have to put in enough work to make it work

- Always keep your eyes fixed on your purpose, let it be a reminder that you will see every second 

- Let your thoughts and activities revolve around your purpose

- Keep learning better ways to lead with purpose

I believe we have learnt some news things about purpose. It is not enough to learn but to practice what you learn. Use what you learn to serve yourself and as well as others

From all of us @Noble Leaders Initiative Network

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Your friend,

Joachim DURU

For NLiN



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